Queer Japan Documentary Reaches $45k Kickstarter Goal 16th March 2016On Monday, Queer Japan, an independent multimedia documentary that focuses on artists, activists, community leaders, and everyday individuals...
Smashing Preconceptions of the Disabled – Interview with Doglegs Director Heath Cozens 1st March 2016The words “disabled wrestling” are bound to raise a few eyebrows and a lot of questions. So when Doglegs...
INSPIRING NEW DOCUMENTARY DOGLEGS REACHES KICKSTARTER GOAL WITH 12 DAYS TO GO 30th April 2015Film director Heath Cozens’ latest feature length project ‘Doglegs’, a documentary on Japan’s disabled wrestling league of the...
LESSON OF EVIL – TAKASHI MIIKE – REVIEW 8th December 2014There are few directors that frustrate me as much as Takashi Miike. He’s a man that has demonstrated...
FOR LOVE’S SAKE – REVIEW 4th October 2013There was a time when I regarded Takashi Miike as one of the most exciting filmmaking talents of...
GATE OF HELL – REVIEW 21st January 2013The 1950’s is often considered to be the ‘Golden Age’ of Japanese cinema, and it’s easy to see...