NIGHTMARE Live in London: Visual kei icons’ UK debut, 25 years in the making

NIGHTMARE live in London: Visual kei icons’ UK debut, 25 years in the making

Legendary visual kei band NIGHTMARE made their (extremely) long awaited UK live debut in London on January 19th as part of their ‘The WORLD’ European tour. Now entering their 25th year as a band, this is the first time they’ve ventured outside of Japan for a tour. Becoming known in the west through their opening and ending themes for the ever popular anime series DEATH NOTE, the group have more than just that under their belts. 11 studio albums, multiple TV and anime themes, many hugely successful Japan tours, and various side projects make NIGHTMARE one of the most recognisable VK acts.

Huddling outside a very cold Islington O2 Academy, fans excitedly talked about how long they’ve waited to see them perform live; some even previously attending shows in Japan, believing they’d never get a chance to see them otherwise. Others travelled from countries across the globe to catch the band perform in the capital. The excitement and dedication was palpable. Some fans were dressed in DEATH NOTE inspired outfits—’DEATH NOTE bounding’, if you will.

NIGHTMARE Live in London: YOMI
NIGHTMARE vocalist YOMI sings his heart out at London live debut.

VIP ticket holders entered first, anxiously preparing to meet the band. Having never done a VIP experience, I thought I’d splurge—in part for my teenage self, and in part for myself now. Queuing past the merch stand, we were handed a mini poster, and then ushered into the adjoining O2 Academy 2, where NIGHTMARE awaited us.

The VIP experience was a ‘hi-touch’ session and group photo with other attendees. The quintet stood in a line, dressed in their matching embroidered black tokko-fuku. Walking down the line of the band, we high-fived each member as they said hello. Then we were sat in front of the band for a photo, and ushered back out. It was a whirlwind meeting, and whilst the band were lovely, I think many of us hoped for a little more time.

At any rate, we began filing into the main venue. Notably, various 80s goth and new romantic tracks could be heard wafting from the speakers. Judging from our recent interview with NIGHTMARE, this was likely guitarist and songwriter SAKITO’s choice, and a good choice it was.

RELATED: NIGHTMARE interview: Visual kei legends talk 25 years, DEATH NOTE fame, and first European tour

Then the opening sounds of ‘This is Halloween’ from The Nightmare Before Christmas began to loudly ring out, signalling the band’s imminent entrance. A bass-heavy instrumental then started, and the band made their way onto the stage to ferocious cheers from the crowd.

Resident “teddy bear” HITSUGI stares down the crowd with playful intensity.

NIGHTMARE swiftly began the show, heading straight into ‘ASSaulter’ from 2013’s ‘SCUMS’. Already the crowd was going wild, with the band interacting, encouraging chants and furi. Quickly heading into ‘Rebel’, they then went straight into 2008 track ‘DIRTY’. Guitarist HITSUGI gyrated during the chorus, to much screaming. In fact, throughout the whole night it felt like he was the entertainer of the group—pulling faces, dancing around, and smiling and waving at us all.

The crowd energy already at a high, the band slowed things down for the first MC of the night. Vocalist YOMI introduced each member, before heading into ‘Can you do it?’. SAKITO, HITSUGI, and Ni~ya sat crowded round YOMI on the stand, evoking a real sense of how close the band members are.

Next came one of my favourites, ‘BOYS BE SUSPICIOUS’ from 2007 album ‘the WORLD ruler’. As the opening bass note hit I felt a wave of nostalgia for my formative teen years hit me like a stack of bricks. Judging by the crowd’s reaction, I wasn’t the only one feeling it. HITSUGI, ever the showman, kept the energy high, constantly engaging with the audience. Just five songs in, the band’s momentum showed no signs of slowing.

Ever-stoic bassist Ni~ya exuding pure brooding energy.

Heading right into the rhythmic ‘mimic’, the crowd continued to go wild, a flurry of arms and hair in the air. Then came a quick break, HITSUGI changing guitars, and YOMI taking to the mic once more. He asked if we’re fans of anime music, and the band responded to the cheers with ‘Raison d’être’. The track was featured as the opening for 2007 anime series Claymore. Another of my favourites, with a slick guitar line, and anthemic chorus, the band performed it perfectly. In fact, throughout the entire night it was obvious what professionals these guys are, and how well they’ve honed their craft.

From here they launched into ‘Lost in Blue’ from 2009’s ‘majestical parade’. The crowd response was huge, prompting the band’s looks of gratitude. YOMI and HITSUGI both thanked the crowd, smiling and yelling.

The lights dimmed and the band took a small break. Bassist Ni~ya punched his chest as if to say thanks to all of us, before the next song, ‘Alumina’. The moment the first note hit, the crowd went mad. The first ending theme of DEATH NOTE, it hit the crowd with another wave of nostalgia. During the quieter “ooh”-ing toward the latter half of the song, YOMI got us to gently sway our arms in time, before the short and sweet guitar solo.

Guitarist SAKITO commands the stage at NIGHTMARE’s long-awaited London debut.

As the track wrapped up, the lights dimmed again, and the band continued on into ‘Sinners’, from their return album ‘NOX:LUX’. A spotlight highlighted YOMI alone for the opening, before lights flooded the rest of the band. The hopeful and bright chorus had the crowd smiling along, reminding us “you’re not alone”. A sweet twin guitar solo from SAKITO and HITSUGI punctuated the middle of the song, their technical prowess on full display.

‘With’ came next, YOMI encouraging us to wave our arms with him during the chorus. The crowd belted back the words “I’m with you!”, feeling ever closer to the band.

“Thank you for coming tonight, this city is so beautiful. I wish I can come back! I love you!”, yelled YOMI. He then asked if we were ready, the fans anticipating what was coming next. The first sound of ‘the WORLD’ sent the entire crowd into chaos. A sea of anime and VK fans frenzied for the first opening of DEATH NOTE. This is how NIGHTMARE became known in the west, and the fans were going to show them the years of love and dedication they’d garnered.

The crowd followed YOMI’s lead, punching the air, and the usually stoic looking Ni~ya even cracked a smile at the vision of the crowd before him. SAKITO took to the stand for the guitar solo, with Ni~ya and HITSUGI either side of him. The band are true showmen through and through, and the crowd lapped up every second of the near 4 minute song.

RUKA drives NIGHTMARE’s rhythm with laser focus, unfazed by the frenzy around him.

YOMI then called out “last song!” as the band hurtled into ‘Kyokutou Ranshin Tengoku’. The fan favourite from their first album ‘Ultimate Circus’ went down a storm. HITSUGI gestured for headbanging by waving his hands either side of his head and the crowd indulged. HITSUGI jumped onto the stand for the guitar solo while YOMI introduced him. All members (aside RUKA) gathered at the front, one leg each on the stand, for a slow headbang moment in perfect unison. The band’s unity was a sight to behold, and an absolute delight. HITSUGI indicated us to headbang again for the final portion, everyone taking the chance for another hair tornado. As the song ended, HITSUGI blew kisses to the crowd, the other members all waving and throwing out guitar picks and water bottles before leaving the stage.

As is custom, a Japanese encore chant broke out, with many fans screaming and yelling, clamouring for more. After a short while, NIGHTMARE returned to the stage, Ni~ya entering with a “woo!” on the mic as he strode past. YOMI addressed us all with many arigatous, before also yelling “woo!” and asking if the show was okay. Of course the crowd screeched as loud as they could— a resounding “yes!”. HITSUGI raised his cup of red wine and said cheers, before the band gathered for a group photo with us.

Ni~ya cracks a smile while YOMI gives his all for the London crowd.

YOMI then introduced the members again, this time each member having a moment to speak to us. HITSUGI was first up, starting with a “hello!” before umm-ing, and members of the crowd yelled “ganbatte!” to encourage him. He laughed “Ganbatte? FIGHT!”, before explaining his hairstyle for the night. “You know Mickey Mouse?” he started, before explaining, no this wasn’t mouse ears, “I am a TEDDY BEAR!”. “I love everyone here’s voices! Thank you!” he said, then threw his now empty cup to the crowd.

Next was SAKITO, “I always wanted to come to London, I’m glad to see you all! You guys are fucking awesome!”. Then came Ni~ya with a slick bass lick, before telling us “Hey London! It’s nice to meet you!” and then inexplicably yelling “Crazy fisherman!” rousing laughs from everyone.

And finally, we got to hear from drummer RUKA. Sitting at the back of the stage, drummers are often overlooked, but the crowd was excited to hear from him. Starting a chant of “OOH OOH OOH OOH!”, RUKA joined in with us by tapping the bass drum in time, the fans cheering. The only one to speak in Japanese to us, he introduced himself, thanked us, and finished with a “yoroshiku onegaishimasu” (an expression of gratitude).

YOMI then asked once more “Are you ready?!”. HITSUGI came to the side of the stage and loomed over us in the seats, eliciting excited screams from the section.

YOMI and HITSUGI work their magic for their elated UK fans.

They broke into the start of their encore, with ‘Tokyo Shounen’, the band’s 6th single, released back in 2004. Another chance to dance and go wild, with its peppy guitar and basslines in the verses, the crowd erupted again. During the twin guitar solo, SAKITO and HITSUGI stood at the front, the fans showering them in screams. During the bridge, HITSUGI appeared behind YOMI and rustled his hair, surprising YOMI, and the crowd screamed even more. The set was doused with these kinds of fun interactions, engaging the crowd’s fervour further. The band signalled for us to headbang slowly along during the slower parts, before going full-pelt again for the speedier sections.

YOMI yelled “London! London! Wooo!”, and the band launched into ‘404’. The crowd clapped along with the intro, before YOMI and HITSUGI even indicated for us to do so. From here they went straight into the fast paced ‘Gokujyou Noushin Rengoku Isshiki’, the crowd headbanging like crazy. In a crowd of predominantly 30+ year olds, I got the feeling we were going to be sore in the morning.

Finally, the last song of the night was here. YOMI announced “Last song for tonight!” to cheers of part-dismay, part-adulation. NIGHTMARE wrapped up the night with another fan favourite ‘Quints’. The crowd were encouraged to jump, and they sure did, the wave of jumping fans vibrating the venue floor. Everyone sang along, belting out the English parts; “No more lyric that tells a lie, and no more music that makes money. I know It’s contradiction. Because maybe I love it. Count my fingers. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. And count my buddies. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5! I know (that) we are still alive. I believe we can do everything!”. The crowd went truly wild for this track, clutching their friends, and screaming along. YOMI took his spot on the stand, while SAKITO and HITSUGI took over vocal duties for a portion, before the guitar solo.

SAKITO and Ni~ya showcase their technical skills.

And that was it. After 25 years of waiting, NIGHTMARE had finally completed their first ever show in London. HITSUGI wrapped his arms around himself as if to indicate hugging all of us, and the other members all showed their gratitude. YOMI yelled “See you next time in Japan, thank you, bye bye!”. The members all threw out more picks and bottles, while HITSUGI grabbed the attention of security who helped him onto the barricade to high five and hold hands with the crowd.

Ni~ya jumped down from the stage and ran past the crowd, high-fiving as he went, even coming over to us in the seats. Then, as the last member on stage, HITSUGI took to the mic once more. “It was my first time, but I fell in love with it! See you next time!”.

This show was an amazing example of a band who are true professionals— technical with their musicianship, and funny and engaging with their showmanship. Through the whole night, their energy never dwindled. HITSUGI in particular was interacting with us all constantly, and Sakito had a few little dance moments too. Early last year, I bought their 2006 live DVD [anima]lism, thinking “I’ll never get to see them, so this will do!”. Fast forward to now, and I still can’t quite believe it happened. From that 2006 show, nearly 20 years ago, to now, the band have not waned, and if anything, have only gotten better.

NIGHTMARE wrap up their first live show in London.

After the show came the ticketed snapshot opportunities, a rare chance for attendees to get photos with individual members, as well as the whole band. Yes, your writer here did get a snapshot with HITSUGI, and no, I will never recover! Seeing the band’s off-stage interactions with their fans was priceless, and my own interaction with HITSUGI is something I will never forget. These guys are funny, humble, and incredibly grateful to the fans, and it shows.

Their first European tour has now come to a close, and following the difficulties of cancellations beyond their control, NIGHTMARE proved that even in the face of adversity, the power of friendship and their love for music will carry them through. Now, ‘Quints’ feels like an even more poignant closer. So, I’m off to count my buddies, and try to believe that I can do everything, and you should too.

Photos by Charles Shepherd

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the WORLD Ruler

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