KAMIJO live in London: Vampires descend on the capital
Photos provided by management

KAMIJO live in London: Vampires descend on the capital

On a warm summer day, goths, lolitas, vampire fans, and cosplayers crowded outside of London’s The Garage. The occasion? The vampire rock star himself, KAMIJO, was back in the UK for the first time in 6 years.

KAMIJO, previously of Lareine and Versailles fame, went solo in 2013, and has released 4 albums in that time, with a 5th, ‘VIOLET DAWN’, coming in July this year.

Inside the venue you could hear the screams as the VIP ticket holders entered the room to meet KAMIJO, apparently looming in a dark corner waiting to surprise fans. Speaking to some of those fans, I learned how he was not only lurking in the dark to shock people, but following those who didn’t notice him to ensure every VIP met him. He spent time chatting, listening, and shaking hands with the fans, putting anxious fans at ease. Who knew our vampire overlord had such a sense of humour, as well as being such a gentleman?

As the rest of the crowd rolled in, I noticed many attendees holding roses ready to wave along, or even give to KAMIJO. The 600 capacity venue was close to being full, impressive for a VK show that slightly clashed with a major lolita event up in Manchester. However, that didn’t stop some fans, some carrying The Queen Is Dead tote bags, having rushed down from Manchester to make it to see him.

Eventually it was time for him to grace the stage. Dramatic music began, building palpable tension in the already thick summer air. The band appeared to a crowd frenzy, and finally KAMIJO waltzed onto stage to even more fervour. He opened his arms and soaked in the adoration.

Getting into things pretty quickly, he opened with ‘Yamiyo no Lion’, a fast and heavy track, building drama and an expectation of how the night would continue. ‘Conspiracy’ from 2019 album ‘TEMPLE -Blood sucking for praying-‘ came next, featuring a heavy chugging industrial-like guitar rhythm, encouraging a flurry of fists in the air. This track was an early highlight for me, the sound taking me back to my teen years spent finding niche industrial goth bands on Vampire Freaks.

KAMIJO then took to the mic to greet us with a trio of ecstatic bonjours, telling us “I’m back UK!” and asking “How are you?” before explaining that this is the first time he’s been back here in 6 long years. Then he introduced the next song, ‘Moulin Rouge’ from 2014 album ‘HEART’. The jazzy cabaret vibes were a wild contrast to the opening tracks, but somehow fit right in. He got the crowd to follow along with his increasingly quick changing dance moves, going from arm swaying, to clapping, to fist pumping, to pointing, to shimmying- a dizzying and hilarious touch.

KAMIJO live in London: Vampires descend on the capital
KAMIJO, the vampire rock star himself, returns to London for the first time in 6 years.

Following this, we were treated to brand new track ‘The Anthem’, also the namesake for the tour. Heavy and powerful, The Anthem leaves me feeling that his new mini album, ‘VIOLET DAWN’, can’t come soon enough.

Changing gears, he then gave us some time to rest a little with the ballads ‘Louis – Enketsu no La Vie en Rose’ and ‘Unmei’, the former having him obtain a rose, and almost conducting the crowd, and the latter of which had KAMIJO perform alone on stage. He gently introduced ‘Unmei’, whispering “aishite” (love), before breaking into the soft and romantic ballad about loneliness and love. The crowd swayed along, and he mouthed “I love you” to us. His voice really had a chance to shine here, without the heavy instrumentation- so clear and pitch perfect. KAMIJO is extremely impressive.

The band then reappeared for another change of tone, back into familiar metal territory for the fast guitar driven ‘Eye of Providence’, featuring an epic symphonic opening and fully English lyrics. Here KAMIJO took the chance to introduce drummer Ushi (VORCHAOS) before a mini-drum solo.

Also from 2022 album ‘OSCAR’, the equally hard and fast Habsburg was up next. Fittingly bathed in red light, KAMIJO stood on the stage looking like a real life Lestat. Taking a moment to have some water (out of a wine glass of course), he then made a heart shape with his hands to the crowd, to much joy. This led to another change of sound, in ‘Mademoiselle’, a gentle and upbeat love song. Featuring violin and piano parts, the song has an almost anime opening vibe to it, thoughts echoed by the person sat next to me. The crowd clapped along, while KAMIJO waved to us, a big smile across his face.

Slowing things down, ‘Crimson Family’ was next. KAMIJO seemed to disappear at the end, before re-emerging and stating “This is my epic song”. The dramatic opening of ‘Castrato’ began, quite a tone shift from Crimson Family. Here he introduced Swedish guitarist Yohio for his guitar solo, yelling “YOHIO!” endearingly. Following the spoken word section about Napoleon, KAMIJO looked as though he was absolutely basking in adoration. The crowd swayed their arms in the final bridge, with KAMIJO looking so happy by the end.

Next, KAMIJO took a moment to speak to us. Sadly, but emphatically he said “2020, the earth… pandemic… I wanted to see you. Your rock is live…” He seemingly got a little overwhelmed and laughed while going back to Japanese, asking “wakaru ka na?” (“do you understand?”). Continuing on, he taught us the words for the chorus of ‘Beautiful Rock’n Roll’, before launching into the track. A more straight up metal song, it features a danceable groove in the chorus, and chantable lyrics. During the song we were treated to some classic VK fanservice with KAMIJO leaning over Yohio, looking like they were going to kiss. Then bassist IKUO (BULL ZEICHEN 88) headed to the front of the stage, KAMIJO giving him the mic to yell into, before Yohio headed to the front for the guitar solo.

KAMIJO took a moment to ask the crowd a series of questions, “Do you like anime? Do you like Japan? Do you like KAMIJO?!” to many screams. This led us into something for the long-time fans and anime fans alike, with a performance of ‘Bara wa utsukushiku chiru’, from the 1979 anime ‘The Rose of Versailles’. Initially covered by his band Lareine, it was re-recorded in 2015 for his ‘Royal Blood -Revival Best-‘ album, the track’s updated sound features his trademark gothic symphonic metal style. Plus, his vocal style is a lot different now to what it was back in 2000, now deeper and more rounded. The track has such a nostalgic sound, and resonated well with the crowd, many singing along to every word. During the song, IKUO also took the chance for some fanservice, cosying up to KAMIJO, again gaining screams from the crowd.

Soon after that began ‘Sang I’, KAMIJO stopping part way for an MC segment with the band. Starting with Ushi who said “This tour has been amazing!”, then Yohio “This tour has been a lifetime dream”, followed by Yohio and KAMIJO hugging. Next IKUO said the tour had simply been amazing, and guitarist Hiro (La’cryma Christi) thanked us all.

After the chat segment, KAMIJO began to speak “This song is very very…” before trailing off, and Yohio taking over “KAMIJO wants to say he loves this song very much!”. Throughout Sang I’s solo, KAMIJO pointed to Yohio mouthing his name. KAMIJO threw in some snarly vocals toward the end, and encouraged the crowd to pump their fists and chant. He turned his back to us, and waved as though he was conducting the band. This ran into ‘Sang II’, where toward the end he held a rose to his heart, and then out to the crowd. He continued singing with it, before handing it to a lucky audience member in the front row. Again, he screamed for Yohio and pointed to him for the next solo.

After this KAMIJO thanked us, and introduced the last song of the main setlist- the crowd pleaser ‘Nosferatu’. He stood tall and encouraged the crowd to sing along, everyone belting “Nosferatu!” back at him. Yohio took center stage again for the solo, while KAMIJO took side stage to encourage the crowd to wave their arms back and forth, and leaving us to sing the last “NOSFERATUUU!”. Toward the end of the song, he greatly emphasised the word “dakishimete” (meaning ’embrace’), from the line about embracing our dreams, giving a sense of immense gratitude toward the crowd.

KAMIJO thanked us repeatedly, before he and the band left the stage. Chants began, but honestly I’ve never heard such a confused encore chant- the crowd were maybe a little fatigued by this point in the hot venue wearing countless layers for their various lolita outfits and KAMIJO cosplays. Eventually the disjointed chants worked, and KAMIJO and his band graced the stage again. He waved to us all, big smile across his face, laughing. “Domo arigatou! I’ll remember this place, it’s a place with very good memories. I am happy to have the tour final here. This song will make everyone here happy!” he said, before introducing the first song of the encore ‘Avec Toi’. The beautiful and powerful love ballad had the crowd once more swaying their arms in time. During the guitar solo KAMIJO took a bow, feeling as though he was showing his gratitude to us.

KAMIJO took another moment to speak to us a bit more, before introducing the last songs. Playing ‘NOBLESS OBLIGE’ and ‘Throne’ back to back left me feeling a little worried we weren’t going to hear what I’d been waiting for all night, but I was patient.

He yelled to the crowd and beckoned us to give more screams and more movement. Introducing the band members again, he then finally introduced himself “And I’m KAMIJO!” the rest of his words drowned by the screams of the crowd. He encouraged us to chant his name, before telling us “I will suck your blood! Are you ready?!”. It was the moment I’d been waiting for, ‘Vampire Rock Star’.

The hard, fast, sexy metal romp was the perfect closer. At one point, KAMIJO looked out at the crowd and said “come on baby” with a wink and cheeky smile, melting everyone’s hearts. The guitarists crowded around him, conjuring the image of vampires swarming, alluding further to KAMIJO’s love of Anne Rice novels and movies, as if a song called ‘Vampire Rock Star’ wasn’t enough. Wrapping up the final song of the night, he yelled “WE ARE… VAMPIRE ROCK STARS!” before thanking us again.

He asked Yohio onto the mic once more; “Thank you for an amazing show, this is my first time playing the UK! I am very happy, thank you all for coming”. IKUO then said “I’m happy! Thank you!”, followed by Ushi “Thank you so much! UK the best!”, and finally Hiro yelling and then saying “I am very very happy! Thank you! Arigatougozaimashita!”. KAMIJO then said “Let’s all hold hands”, the band struggling he said “this is very difficult” to laughs from the crowd and band. He said “I will definitely come again! Okay, let’s jump together! Are you ready?” before spelling out his name “K! A! M! I! J! O! Kami… JO!” the band and crowd jumping on cue. KAMIJO told us that he was so happy to have the tour final in London, something that couldn’t have been more obvious from how joyous he looked.

The band all huddled and hugged each other, before throwing out their picks and sticks to the crowd, each of them taking photos and videos too. KAMIJO was handed the UK flag signed by fans, thanking us again. He stayed on stage a while after the rest of the band, smiling and waving to us, looking like he had just as much fun as we did. He laid the flag across the drums and exited the stage. The night was over.

The show was a triumph. The crowd might have gotten a little tired toward the end due to the slightly longer setlist, but the fans would do anything for KAMIJO. His stage presence is on another level; commanding, and cheeky, yet sweet, and incredibly grateful. Throughout the night he repeatedly thanked us, as well as his tour band members. He made sure to take time to talk to us, and at times where he struggled, Yohio would take over. It’s also been noted in Japanese media that this tour saw the highest attendance ever for KAMIJO. His promise of coming back excited the crowd no end, and one can only hope that we don’t have to wait another 6 years for him.

Photos provided by KAMIJO management.

KAMIJO live in London: Vampires descend on the capital
KAMIJO closes out 2024 Europe Tour in London.

Artwork TBA


Release Date: 31/07/2024
Spotify | Apple Music
CD: Regular | 2CD Limited | Anime edition | Limited