XANVALA release ‘CULTURE’- a love letter to music

Visual kei metal group XANVALA released their latest video ‘CULTURE’ on May 31st. The single is set for official release on June 5th.

‘CULTURE’, markedly lighter in tone than their previous single ‘R.I.P’, is a love letter to music. With lyrics like “How many times have I been saved by that distorted sound? My invisible, personal hero”, will undoubtedly strike a chord with music fans. Dancing between genres such as metal, punk, and alt-rock, the track features a two-steppable beat, and anthemic chorus.

In an interview with Visunavi, vocalist Tatsumi stated

“Most of all, I wanted to write about my latest self, but the theme of the song was “CULTURE”, so I decided to make it my own love song for music. I wanted to add something extra to that, so I wanted to include words from an artist who is still loved by many people and who is, of course, one of my favourite artists”

When pressed, Tatsumi noted that the artist in question was hide, even mentioning that “I have the biggest poster in my room at my parents’ house”. He went on to say that he always loved hide’s words and lyrics, and wanted to incorporate the words that have stayed close to him into the lyrics for ‘CULTURE’. Guitarist Souma added that even the pink colour on the single artwork is due to Tatsumi’s roots and love of hide.

The band also recently unveiled their new looks for the single, all in matching blue, black, and gold outfits.



Release Date: 05/06/2024
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