In a groundbreaking collaboration between Amazon and Toei, the highly acclaimed manga ‘Oshi no Ko’ by Akasaka Aka and Yokoyari Mengo is set to receive a live-action adaptation. Scheduled for a winter 2024 release, the drama series will be exclusively streamed worldwide on Amazon Prime Video, while the movie will see a theatrical release distributed by Toei.
True to the essence of the source material, the cast includes multiple former idols from some of Japan’s noteworthy groups of the last decade. Asuka Saito, a former member of Nogizaka46, embodies the enigmatic Ai, while Nagisa Saito, previously of =LOVE, takes on the role of Ruby. The dynamic pop sensation and all-around media personality Ano, a former member of You’ll Melt More!, portrays Mem-Cho.
The adaptation also showcases J-drama star and Inner Journey drummer Sakurai Kaito in the lead role as Aqua, with Hara Nanoka of ‘Suzume‘ fame portraying Arima Kana, and Mizuki Kayashima (known for ‘Our Secret Diary‘ and ‘The Greatest Teacher‘) as Kurokawa Akane.
The ongoing manga, celebrated for its fantastical blend of slice-of-life and murder mystery, sheds light on the darker facets of Japan’s entertainment industry. With the latest volume set to release in March, the series has already sold over 15 million copies as of January 2024. The anime adaptation, launched in 2023, significantly contributed to the global success of the series, aided by the chart-topping opening theme ‘Idol’ by YOASOBI.
In discussing the imminent adaptation, Aka Akasaka, the creator of ‘Oshi no Ko’, shared reflections on the somewhat ironic nature of bringing the critical story to life.
“‘Oshi no Ko’ is a work that makes various references to the entertainment industry. It also touches upon the live-action adaptation of manga works. I haven’t only said positive things. I’ve also been critical. So, I actually thought that ‘Oshi no Ko’ might not be adapted into live-action. In such a situation, when it was mentioned that they wanted to adapt it into live-action this time, I felt like asking the cast and the production team, ‘Are you sure it’s okay?’ I am grateful to everyone who accepted it.”
Series creator Aka Akasaka
Fans have expressed a blend of surprise and high expectations for the adaptation, with some expressing enthusiasm about the cast, while others acknowledge the pressure on the actors due to the manga’s passionate fanbase.